
ERIC decision for JIVE

A European Commission Decision adopted today will allow JIVE, the central facility of the European VLBI Network (EVN), to become an ERIC (short for European Research Infrastructure Consortium), making this international collaboration easier and more efficient. Europe's large radio telescopes regularly observe together in Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) campaigns in order to explore the Universe with the highest possible angular resolution, mapping out gravitational lenses, resolving supernova explosions, pinpointing black holes and measuring motions and magnetic fields close to newly born stars.

3rd International VLBI Technology Workshop

JIVE will host the 3rd International VLBI Technology Workshop in November 2014.

"European" radio astronomy transcends borders; South Africa's National Research Foundation joins JIVE

The Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE) proved again Thursday that it is not restricted by its name, as it welcomed the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa as a member. JIVE's funding organisations already include the National Astronomical Observatories of China, as well as European national research councils and facilities in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK. 

A boost for European Radio Astronomy

The European radio astronomy collaboration, RadioNet, is recognized as the European entity to give access to and to exploit a number of excellent facilities in this field of astronomical research. The application for funding its latest version - RadioNet3 - has been successful, and a total of 9.5 million Euro have been granted by the European Commission for the years 2012 to 2015. This not only continues the two preceding European projects, but also takes a leap forward including ALMA, the radio interferometer for submillimetre wavelengths in Chile as well as a number of pathfinder programs for the Square Kilometre Array, SKA.

Dead but still kicking: youngest supernova imaged just after explosion

To catch a supernova is not an easy task. To detect it with radio telescopes requires hard work, extensive coordination and good luck. An international team of astronomers, including researchers at JIVE and ASTRON, has taken a picture of the youngest radio supernova ever.

Astronomers simulate real-time telescope as big as the world to study peculiar active galaxy

Using a perfectly orchestrated world-wide network of radio telescopes, astronomers have produced a high-resolution map of an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) belonging to an unknown class of gamma-ray sources. The unusual source and the groundbreaking technique used to produce the image are detailed in a letter published today in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Astronomers in the Netherlands catch supernova, observe relativistic expansion

Astronomers from JIVE and ASTRON have observed a supernova with peculiar radio emission. In a paper published in Nature, the team led by JIVE's Zsolt Paragi reports, for the first time ever, detection of a relativistic outflow in a Type Ic supernova, thus supporting the link with the even more energetic Gamma Ray Bursts.

e-EVN aids detection of "extremely prolific supernova factory"

The electronic European VLBI Network (e-EVN) was critical in the detection of an "extremely prolific supernova factory" in the buried nucleus of a starburst galaxy last year. The results are published in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

"Naked-eye" gamma-ray burst aimed squarely at earth

The jet from a powerful gamma-ray burst on March 19 that was bright enough for human eyes to see, despite the distance of 7.5 billion light years, was aimed almost directly at Earth. The burst was observed by satellites and observatories around the world, including ASTRON’s Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. Results of the observation are published today in an article in Nature authored by an international team of 93 astronomers, including Dutch astronomers of the University of Amsterdam, ASTRON, the University of Leiden and the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE).

Dr. Huib Jan van Langevelde is the new director of JIVE

Huib Jan van Langevelde (44) has been a member of the JIVE staff for 12 years, holding various positions. Recently he has managed various international projects related to astronomical user software and computing. His astronomical research focuses on the circumstellar matter around young and old stars, with an emphasis on astrophysical masers.