PROPOSAL FOR A JOBS LIST FILE VERSION 2 12/3/2002 H.J. van Langevelde INTRODUCTION A format for a jobs.lis file is defined in this document. This file will hold essentially all information to select the sub-jobs for a given experiment and produce a MeasurementSet, and possibly StandardPlots and the user product (FITS file). When multiple MeasurementSets are to be derived for a given experiment, multiple jobs.lis files are envisioned. The reasons for formalizing the file content of the (sub)jobs listing are a few. The most important is accountability. This file will allow one to reproduce the data from the raw data product archive. It will provide a log of which correlator jobs were selected by the responsible support scientist. Furthermore, it will be a central object in further automation efforts. It can serve as the central resource to monitor whether correlation for an experiment is complete, it may allow the operators to do more of the preparation for data quality control and allow them to inspect e.g. the results of clock searches. The file format can be used to define more elaborate automation tools and may need to be revisioned when the experiment database starts to be used. I have chosen to have a selection mechanism for sub-jobs, rather than just to comment out the sub-jobs that are deemed to be useless. If these appear in comments any programs that read and write this format may choose to drop these scans, or mess up the format. This reduces the flexibility and the accountability. So all relevant sub-jobs (with the same profile, status GOOD) should be in the same file, some of these selected active, some selected inactive. DEFINITION By convention the file are names .lis, for example ep034aclock.lis, ek010aline.lis, es042aprod.lis. The file is plain ASCII. Comment lines are indicated by a '#' in the first position. Fields are typically separated by any number of blanks. Header Line In the first line we find the experiment name, the 'top' VEX file name, the profile name and the output name and output fits file name. Any number of fields from the right may be omitted and then defaults will be used. - experiment name: This 6 uppercase letter string defines the project name. It is used to find the location of raw data files and other project related info, eg the vix file. No default. - top level VEX file This file drives the creation of the MeasurementSet. In most cases it is identical to the file used to drive the correlation. Defaults to .vix, lower case. - profile name Defines the name of a correlator pass or, mode sub-selection. Should be identical to the name currently used in runjob profile. I propose this no longer be allowed to contain blanks. Defaults to Prod. - output name This string is used to form the name of the measurement set. It defaults to .ms when profile name is specified. It defaults to .ms when no profile is specified. - FITS name This string is used to form the name of the output fits file. It defaults to the "output name".UVF in capital letters. Subjob Line There will be a separate line for every sub-job. All relevant sub-jobs should be listed in the file, implying all sub-jobs with the same profile. It is not an error if other sub-jobs are included. Fields are separated by any number of spaces. All fields in the sub-job line are mandatory. Underscores '_' may indicate un-set values. A subjob line contains the following fields: optional (software should not complain when missing) optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional optional future - '+' indicates this subjob is selected to be part of the output. '-' indicates this subjob is not selected. '?' status of this subjob still unclear - standard jobnumber/subjob number. Used to find right data. - string of type PassXX (no blanks). For human reading. Software should not rely on the value of this string as it may be meaningless. - VEX string of start Scan in subjob. For human reading and in order for polyflg to get the scan times. - VEX string of end Scan in subjob. For human reading and in order for polyflg to get the scan times. - Integer logging the number of lags per product. - Float to log the integration time (could be sub-second!) - String Xpol for cross-polarization, NoX for no-cross. - Usual string with parentheses with complicated meaning. - Fraction of baselines found back in output, includes a % sign - Usually GOOD. - TEST/PROD/CLOCK - Profile used for correlation - VEX file used for correlation - Software version Example + 202052236/1 Pass01 No0001 No0006 64 2.00 NoX (0/0/0/112/383) 100.0% GOOD PROD Prod gg047.alts.vix rel2706