Join us for extreme astrophysics

Published on 25 January 2021


Join us for extreme astrophysics at extremely high resolution at EAS2021 special session 11. This session demonstrates the power of joining high resolution radio observations with multi-wavelength and multi-messenger studies. From the latest scientific results from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), to the power of the European VLBI Network (EVN) in localizing high energy phenomena and gravitational waves, any topic related to high energy astrophysics is welcome. Review talks include the connection between radio-jets and neutrino emission, localization of observations of Fast Radio Bursts, and the latest on stellar evolution in the Galaxy. 

For the contributed talks and posters we invite a wide range of presentations covering high spatial resolution, multi-wavelength and/or multi-messenger astrophysics. We would particularly like to have a platform for early career and minority researchers, and encourage participants who identify as such to apply for a contributed talk. We intend to allocate brief poster pitch presentations. Abstract submission is open until 2 March through the EAS website.

The annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society takes place virtually this year from 28 June through 2 July. This special session is currently scheduled for 29 June.