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TOG Meeting 13/14 December 2023

The EVN Technical and Operations Group (TOG) meeting will take place from December 13 to 14, 2023 at Institute of Astronomy, in Toruń, Poland.


More on the meeting website.

Agenda (DRAFT)

  • start of the meeting 9:00 CET
  • Introduction (Welcome ,Approval & last minute additions to Agenda, Review of Action Items from last meeting )
  • Review of Permanent Action Items
  • Performance of the EVN
  • DBBC3
    • DBBC3 News (Rottmann)
    • Commissioning plan (Eldering)
  • Report from stations
    • BRAND receiver update (Rottmann)
    • Introduction TNRO (Thai National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
  • EVNTechnical roadmap:
    • CTRs
    • Wideband RX (Brand, C/X)
    • DBBC4 Developments (Rottmann)
  • Improvement of the operations
  • Recorder status
    • Jive5ab multi-core network reading
  • Projects at JIVE
  • Next TOG Meeting

tog/december-2023-torun.1701419555.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/01 08:32 by verkouter