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make_lis - script that makes a lis file without having to use showlog:

usage: make_lis [-h] -e EXPERIMENT [-p PROFILE] [-m MPCSOURCE] [-s SAVE]

Create LIS files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXPERIMENT, --experiment EXPERIMENT
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        Profile to filter for. Default: use all profiles.
  -m MPCSOURCE, --mpcsource MPCSOURCE
                        Multi phase center source to include calibrators.
                        Default: all sources.
  -s SAVE, --save SAVE  Save the LIS file to file. Default: <experiment>.lis
                        in current directory. For multi phase center
                        experiments, a file will be created for each source,
                        where '{key}' will be replaced by the source name. In
                        this case the default is: <experiment>-{key}.lis.

EEE(2) - flag all visibilities under weight threshold x:

usage: [-h] <measurement set> <weight threshold>

Flag visibilities with weights below the provided threshold.

positional arguments:
  msdata         Measurement set containing the data to be corrected.
  threshold      Visibilities with a weight below this value will be flagged.
                 Must be positive.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --version      show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose  Only checks the visibilities to flag (do not flag the data). - script to setup a shell script (or multiple lis files) for multiple phase centre experiments. Should no longer be required with new showlog/make_lis:

usage: [-h] [-b] [-c] [-s]
                     experiment pcBaseName phaseCenters [phaseCenters ...]

This script will attempt to make a sane sfx2ms shell script file for multi-
phase center experiments. Expects a <exp>.vxsm and a base <exp>
file in the working directory.

positional arguments:
  experiment          Experiment name
  pcBaseName          Base phase center name
  phaseCenters        list of phase centers (space delimited)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -b, --include-base  Include the base phase center in the output?
  -c, --include-cal   Include the calibrator sources in each measurement set.
                      Defaults to False, which means calibrator sources will
                      be included in the first measurement set only
  -s, --separate-lis  Writes a lis file for each phase centre. Can then be run
                      with j2ms2 -v lisfile

parallel - multiple phase centre speedups - parallel is a linux utility to run tasks in parallel. Here's an example for running, tConvert for multiple phase centres in eg078f. Similar can be done for j2ms2 etc:

flagging: parallel –eta -j 10 {} 0.7 ::: *.ms_HD*

tConvert: Make a wrapper script:

tConvert $1 $2
echo "${1#eg078f.ms_*} -> $2" >> pc-idi.txt
mv $1 msdone/

Run it in parallel: parallel –dry-run –eta –xapply ./ {1} eg078f_{2}_1.IDI :::* ::: {2..699} - reads a piletter and adds station comments therein into the feedback database. Should be run for every experiment.

usage: [-h] [-s SESSION] PIfile

This script will attempt to read a piletter and insert the station specific
comments into the feedback DB.

positional arguments:
  PIfile                PI letter to parse

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SESSION, --session SESSION
                        The session name in format xxxYY (e.g. oct17) - Sets the MOUNT field in the ANTENNA table correctly for Yebes/Hobart.

usage: [-h] <measurement set>

Change the MOUNT field in the ANTENNA table for Yebes to 'ALT-AZ-NASMYTH-RH'.
It allows tConvert to put MNTSTA=4 into the FITS AN table to handle the
parallactic angle correction for Ys's Nasmyth focus correctly. Also, changes
Hobart X_YEW to X-YEW expected by tConvert (MNTSTA=3).

positional arguments:
  msdata      Measurement Set containing the data to be corrected.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --version   show program's version number and exit

Pipe (jop83) - Run in '$OUT/expr/', adds any .ampcal information to the amplitude calibration database. - tool to do some basic sanity checking of antab information: Do you have antabs/uvflg for every station, INDEX line is the right length. Also plots the tsys if requested.

usage: [-h] [-p] [-s STATION] [-i] [-l] [-f]

Some basic sanity checking for ANTAB files (all uvflgs/antabfs present in
current directory, does INDEX line appear to have right number of
definitions?) Also will plot the tsys values if requested.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --plot            Shall we plot antab file(s)? Defaults to no
  -s STATION, --station STATION
                        Choose to only plot one station (default is to plot
                        all). Use 2 letter code (e.g. Ef). Auto adds -p,-i if
                        not given
  -i, --no-pause        Skips the input pauses. Defaults to no
  -l, --no-flag-line    Turns off the line plotted at -2
  -f, --no-flagged-data
                        Does not plot flagged data (data at -2)

sftpvlbeer - for the very lazy (y/w - Jay)

alias sftpvlbeer=“sftp”

uvflgall.csh - makes a uvflgfs file from any .log files in the current directory. Also changes flagr line to make happier.

supportsci/tools.1532607269.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/26 12:14 by jay