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EXPReS Management Team Workspace

Note: this namespace (expres:management:mt) is restricted.

Members the EXPReS management team (and their proxies) and support staff from the coordinator's office have permission to view, edit, create, upload and/or delete documents in this namespace. No one else will be able to read pages or documents in the expres:management:mt namespace without explicit permission.

Management Team, to maintain access control for any new pages you create, please make sure to add them to this namespace (expres:management:mt).

Contract Amendments

Explanation regarding the CNIG-IGN separation can be found here.

End of Project Review

A separate page has been created for the final_project_review Document Text:

  • NA1/2/3/4 [12 May]
  • SA1/2 [in process]
  • JRA1 [15 May]
  • Financials [in process]

2nd Annual Review

2nd Annual Review (2008) is held on a separate page.

1st Annual Review

The first annual review is scheduled for Tue 17 April 2007. The review will be held at the E.C. offices in Brussels, Belgium.

Meeting Minutes

Monthly Reports to the EC

Year Month MS-Word .doc / OpenOffice .odt Adobe PDF
2009 Aug Final Period Report
2009 Jul ODT PDF
2009 Jun ODT PDF
2009 May ODT PDF
2009 Apr ODT PDF
2009 Mar ODT PDF
2009 Feb ODT PDF
2009 Jan ODT PDF
2008 Nov/Dec ODT PDF
2008 Oct ODT PDF
2008 Sep ODT PDF
2008 Aug ODT PDF
2008 July ODT 1) PDF
2008 May/Jun DOC PDF
2008 April Annex 1 modifications approved by EC (2009 Feb 09)
2008 Mar not submitted per conversation with science officer
2008 Feb DOC PDF
2008 Jan DOC PDF
2007 Nov/Dec DOC PDF
2007 October DOC PDF
2007 September DOC PDF
2007 August DOC PDF
2007 July DOC PDF
2007 June DOC PDF
2007 May DOC PDF
2007 April DOC PDF
2007 March EXPReS Annual Report and Review Version dated December 2007
2007 February DOC PDF
2007 January DOC PDF
2006 December DOC PDF
2006 November DOC PDF
2006 October PDF
2006 September PDF
2006 July DOC PDF



SMART-1 PERT Report (~80 kB)

  • The SMART-1 document is currently protected because it contains the IP addresses of active network components.

SA2 Feasibility Study

Note that the single report covers several deliverables: SA2.01 through SA2.09. As of 2006 December, the following of the deliverables are considered complete: SA2.02, SA2.03, SA2.05.

  • The Feasibility studies are currently protected because they contain financial details regarding potential offers that are not yet complete. As of the May 2007 report, the feasibility study is considered acceptable for public viewing. The document can be found in the SA2 section of the unprotected wiki. This data is here for historical reasons.
  • A further explanation of the current status of Bonn's study

Support Documents

  • Board of Directors (with email addresses)
  • .tgz code bundle release from PSNC. This code drop is in the management section because the source has links to URLs that are not yet ready to be released to web spiders.

Return to unprotected wiki (the public forum).

note: moving to OpenOffice as the core software, plase inform us if there are problems
expres/management/mt.1255682062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/15 09:00 (external edit)