==== TOG Meeting 25/26 June 2024 ==== The EVN Technical and Operations Group (TOG) meeting will take place from June 25 to 26, 2024 in Göteborg and Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden. === Logistics === More on the meeting [[ https://www.chalmers.se/en/conference/evntog2024/ | website at Chalmers ]]. === Agenda === == Tuesday 25 June 2023 == //Coffee at the hotel from 08:30 CEST; target coffee/lunch breaks 10:00-10:30 CEST, 12:00-13:00 CEST, 15:00-15:30 CEST// * Start of the meeting 9:00 CEST * Introduction, [[ https://deki.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/Working_Groups/EVN_TOG/Current_Action_Items | Action Items ]] * Update by the TOG Chair (**Poppi**) * Performance of the EVN (**Oh**) * Report from stations - wide-band C/X status (**all**) - triband receiver status (**all**) - BRAND receiver integration tests at Effelsberg (**Rahimi**) - operations (commissioning tests?) (**Yang**) - DBBC3 status (**all**) - DBBC3 (e-VLBI) tests (**Eldering**) - 8-bit per sample tests (**Yang**) - flexbuf / recorder can do >> 8 Gbps? (**all**) * System and network management at JIVE (**Buijs**) * Recorder status? - NcFTP station->JIVE slow speed (**Feiler, everyone**) * RFI monitoring, CRAF, SpaceX/Starlink (**Lindquist**) * {{ :tog:weh_tog_june_2024.pdf | Field System status/update(s) }} (**Himwich**) * VLBA/NRAO update (**Hunt**) * Next TOG Meeting == Wednesday 26 June 2024 == //Note: only in-person attendance possible for the activities of this day// * 8:00 AM Bus leaves for Onsala Observatory from the hotel * 9:00 AM Divide into two groups, two ~45min activities in parallel, then switch: - DBBC3 hands-on (**Yang**) + e-VLBI recap (**Eldering**) - Tour of the observatory * 10:30-11:00 coffee break * 11:00 Open discussion (suggestions welcome) and wrapping up * 13:00 Lunch * 15:00 Back in Göteborg/bus will pass by airport for drop-off === Station Reports === Available [[ |tbd ]] ----