===== e-VLBI System Testbed ===== ''**The locations of all services can be found at: [[expres:fabric:evlbisystem:services|Service's locations]]**'' - VLBI Broker * Location: Huygens.jive.nl * Link: - File Servers * File server in Jive (Huygens) * Service Location: * **Status**: up and running * File server in Torun * Service Location: * **Status**: the Jive file server will be ported to Torun, when implementation and tests are finished - Correlator * Poznan expres.reef.man.poznan.pl * Service info: http://expres.reef.man.poznan.pl:8080/correlationNode/services/listServices * **Status**: up and running * Poznan clusia.man.poznan.pl * Service info: http://clusia.man.poznan.pl:8080/correlationNode/services/listServices * **Status**: up and running * Jive cluster * **Status**: not running