
AstroFlash is a NWO Vici grant (€1.5M awarded for five years) to precisely localise and characterise fast radio bursts (FRBs) as well as other astrophysical transients. The EVN is used to localise FRBs on milliarcsecond scales in order to unveil the host galaxies and local environments of these enigmatic sources.
JIVE Participation
JIVE provides a scientific and technical participation in this project. Several JIVE members (A. Keimpema, B. Marcote, Z. Paragi) are involved in the follow up of known repeating FRBs with the EVN to localize them down to the milliarcsecond level. This involves observing proposals, and correlating-only proposals, sent to the EVN. A technical participation is also present with further developments of the SFXC correlator to handle new correlation modes: de-dispersion of the data, and the availability of much shorter time integrations from the baseband data.
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